Domain Names outstrip cars and watches as fastest-growing luxury asset

We have recently seen some blockbuster acquisitions of internet real estate, in the form of premium domain names. was acquired for a reported $15 million and HubSpot acquired for $10 million.

Over the last few years, exact match keywords have become important, valuable digital assets, and signify a transformational shift in the way premium domain names are valued.

When a domain name is connected with a successful city, it becomes even more valuable.

Every month 25 million people across the world search for ‘dubai’ and words related to Dubai.

Now, imagine if you could get in front of all these people.

You would be able to double or tiple your business, almost overnight.

But to do that you would need a domain like ( which costs $100 million and is not even available for sale.

However, ( is available for $3 million.

The site talks about Generative AI and Metaverse.

Topics that are interesting to digital nomads.

The site was created to attract Digital Nomads to Dubai.

Did you know there are 35 million digital nomads around the world?

Or that the average digital nomad makes $119,423 a year?

Which means you are entering a billion dollar industry with the domain:

Go to your browser and type – – to see what happens.

Now, you would have seen the power of of a city driven domain name.

But even better, after you purchase you would be able to build an entire business around the brand.

Have it put on your office building.

Your home.

Your yacht.

Your car.

Your helicopter.

Even on your visiting card.

According to a 2022 report by New World Wealth and Henley & Partners, there are 67,900 millionaires living in Dubai.

But when you acquire, you would be the only millionaire in town to own

Which also means you could turn around and sell for $10 million in the coming years and triple your investment.

For a detailed discussion, call 050 6986164 or email: today.


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