Category: ChatGPT

  • Scientists Improve Delirium Detection Using AI and Rapid-Response EEGs

    Scientists Improve Delirium Detection Using AI and Rapid-Response EEGs

    [ad_1] Detecting delirium isn’t easy, but it can have a big payoff: speeding essential care to patients, leading to quicker and surer recovery. Improved detection also reduces the need for long-term skilled care, enhancing the quality of life for patients while decreasing a major financial burden. In the U.S., caring for those suffering from delirium…

  • Three Spanish MIT physics postdocs receive Botton Foundation fellowships | MIT News

    Three Spanish MIT physics postdocs receive Botton Foundation fellowships | MIT News

    [ad_1] Three Spanish MIT postdocs, Luis Antonio Benítez, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, and Fernando Romero López, were chosen by the Department of Physics as the first cohort of Mauricio and Carlota Botton Foundation Fellows. This year’s recipients are provided with a one-year stipend and a research fund to pursue their research interests; they will visit the Botton…

  • The AI Weirdness hack

    [ad_1] A challenge of marketing internet text predictors like chatgpt, gpt-4, and Bard is that they can pretty much predict anything on the internet. This includes not just dialogues with helpful search engines or customer service bots, but also forum arguments, fiction, and more. One way compaies try to keep the dialogue within boundaries is…

  • AI Unveils New Large-Scale Images in Peruvian Desert

    AI Unveils New Large-Scale Images in Peruvian Desert

    [ad_1] Researchers at Yamagata University in Japan have harnessed AI to uncover four previously unseen geoglyphs — images on the ground, some as wide as 1,200 feet, made using the land’s elements — in Nazca, a seven-hour drive south of Lima, Peru. The geoglyphs — a humanoid, a pair of legs, a fish and a…

  • A step toward safe and reliable autopilots for flying | MIT News

    A step toward safe and reliable autopilots for flying | MIT News

    [ad_1] In the film “Top Gun: Maverick,” Maverick, played by Tom Cruise, is charged with training young pilots to complete a seemingly impossible mission — to fly their jets deep into a rocky canyon, staying so low to the ground they cannot be detected by radar, then rapidly climb out of the canyon at an…

  • Bonus: more chatbot ASCII art

    Bonus: more chatbot ASCII art

    [ad_1] Bonus: more chatbot ASCII art AI Weirdness: the strange side of machine learning You have landed upon a bonus post! In bonus posts, I include extras as a thank-you to AI Weirdness supporters. It’s your financial…

  • Insilico Medicine Uses Generative AI to Accelerate Drug Discovery

    Insilico Medicine Uses Generative AI to Accelerate Drug Discovery

    [ad_1] While generative AI is a relatively new household term, drug discovery company Insilico Medicine has been using it for years to develop new therapies for debilitating diseases. The company’s early bet on deep learning is bearing fruit — a drug candidate discovered using its AI platform is now entering Phase 2 clinical trials to…

  • Defining the public interest in new technologies | MIT News

    Defining the public interest in new technologies | MIT News

    [ad_1] How are waves of disruptive technologies, such as more advanced versions of artificial intelligence systems, changing the way we work, live, and play? Are there pathways that academics, practitioners, innovators, and entrepreneurs ought to be pursuing to ensure that the largest share of the benefits associated with new technologies uplift the most marginalized populations?…

  • ASCII art by chatbot

    ASCII art by chatbot

    [ad_1] I’ve finally found it: a use for chatGPT that I find genuinely entertaining. I enjoy its ASCII art. (huge thanks to mastodon user blackle mori for the inspiration) I think chatGPT’s ASCII art is great. And so does chatGPT. My prompt: “Please generate incredible ASCII art of a running unicorn, and also rate the…

  • Startup Develops App Letting Users Turn Objects Into 3D Models With Just a Smartphone

    Startup Develops App Letting Users Turn Objects Into 3D Models With Just a Smartphone

    [ad_1] Editor’s note: This post is a part of our Meet the Omnivore series, which features individual creators and developers who accelerate 3D workflows and create virtual worlds using NVIDIA Omniverse, a development platform built on Universal Scene Description, aka OpenUSD. As augmented reality (AR) becomes more prominent and accessible across the globe, Kiryl Sidarchuk…